well, after some thought i decided, to hell with that - nobody's having my identity and actually its quite desireable because Ive worked so friggin hard - especially over the last 10 years.
so this is where i am at - outcomes are not particularly important to me any more. Whats important to me is waking up each morning and thinking hmmm what am i going to do today. guess what, i can do that. not many people can. im not bragging, just pointing out that i actually deserve the life i have - and if anyone tries to take it away from me, i would fight. there isnt a chance in hell that i will let anyone have what i have.
some of the things i have
- very little money. Awesome. It means that i have to cook up food in bulk to put in the freezer so that i know i will always have something to eat. which also means that i have to eat these healthy meals because i cant afford take away very often. i dont have enough money to get fat plus i dont have to cook every day!
- very little money. Awesome. finally i dont have to work so hard. i cant work hard on anything, because everything requires money. so when i have some money, i will buy a canvas and paint. when i have some money, i will do a bit of renovating.
- inability to work or commit to anything. well yay. this is what i mean about waking up and deciding what to do each day. i didnt plan this, which is probably why i was blessed with it.
- inability to eat. i cant binge - even when presented with meals. in fact lots of times i dont have an appetite at all. i just eat when i want. i lost 45kg btw - i dont know anyone who has lost 45kg. yay me.
- crappy car. Awesome. i dont have to lock it or even put the window up, not worth washing it. carefreeeeeeeeeee
- mortgage i cant afford. Awesome. i cant be attached to material things. here today - i have no friggin idea whether i will be here in 12 months time. i will just let whatever happens be. i own the things i have - they dont own me. might have to give them up one day, thats inevitable for everyone. we're not on earth forever.
- my kids have a disabled mother. Awesome. you know my children are beautiful, intelligent and really nice people. they have seen me cry, despair, hurt etc etc etc. so now they can just go about their ways. they care about people. they see disabled people as equals (they also have a cousin with physical problems). my kids lives are enriched unbelievably by having me. also, they know that its ok to cry sometimes, even when you are big.
- i am judged by everyone. Awesome. you know when i am judged and pitied, it means people arent challenged by me, and i can actually have good conversations and see people for who they really are. i make people feel good about themselves just by being me.
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