something else on my mind which i have to get into cyberworld. And that is that original thought is exhausting - it is! because original thought requires living it. So when you are blessed in this way, you have to expect mushy head syndrome - extreme confusion, an inabilty to function normally, distress, fear (as opposed to anxiety - but you will probably have that too), nausea and artistic compulsions.
So, Im hoping not to offend (actually i dont really care), but what i do to combat original thinking, when it gets too much, when really after 3 days i should have something to eat - work on my psych thesis! What! i hear the millions cry. well yes - let me tell you why.
Now im not sure about other degrees, but psychologists are upset, in general, that people call what they do a soft science. so over the years they have created formulas to ensure that anything anybody says is backed by scientific evidence, or that it was actually somebody elses idea first and common sense (in psych language - face validity) actually has no place in this discipline.
So when i say to get away from original thought, it helps to work on a psychology thesis, on face validity, its the absolute truth. you work away using a formula, which by the time you get to your honours year is actually so far ingrained that you really dont have to think about it.
This is it:
Basically you say something (hypothesis), test it, research it, complain about the research, argue against your complaints about the research, suggest further research to test the complaints and arguments you have made for and against the research, write very specifically about why your testing sucked then write a conclusion - which could state that you were wrong about saying what you said in the first place (no apology needed).
Society is your helmet and education is a tool. spending too much time outside the box? Get yourself an education and immerse yourself into society. Seriously, society needs this because we would not survive if we all had mushy head syndrome and it is always nice to have a home to come back to.
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