Sunday, 4 March 2012

People who overvalue their own opinion...

Something I have noticed of our society is that people do not like others who value their own opinion. Most times people suggest that those who say what they want to, call a spade a spade, point out the obvious etc etc overvalue their own opinions.

I dont actually think those people have got it right. If you overvalued your own opinion and effect on the world, I would think most people would not speak their truth - the quiet ones who believe what they say could have a devastating effect on someone, or the world, or society or...whatever. Really? C'mon.

I have learned to speak my truth and to not be afraid of doing so. This is not because I overvalue my opinion, on the contrary -I do not believe anything I have to say has power over anyone or anything.

It seems that 10 years ago, whilst I was experiencing what to me was a spiritual awakening, the multitudes deemed me insane and dismissed what I had to say. My experience at the time was a consequence of my upbringing and the context of my life. It has been a sacred journey for me, but to the mental health system a joke.

So why is it that people can decide, after taking my voice away, that I have the power to effect people by what I say? Do they think they can take offense to the things they want and totally disregard my view of life and the world? How do they think they can isolate any one thing I say when they cant appreciate the context in which it lies?

To have a voice or to not to have a voice. That is the question...

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