Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Animals Rule!

Do you know what i mean about that ability people have to sense that there is someone standing behind them, or someone to the left or right of them but outside their field of vision?

Well i would have you know that i am an expert in this field. like many of the things i have come to learn and understand about this world, my knowledge comes from an excellent centre of education, one specifically centred on my individual educational needs...society!

so when i am out and about bumping into people left, right and centreback - i realise that, well, i dont have it.

but if i do say so myself, an excellent education i have received. society's teachers, the many a person annoyed by my unintentional violation of personal space and my amazing private tutors,the friends and family who mentor me every step of the way, pointing out the (apparently) obvious.

Ok, so there are different kinds of wisdom. Some things we are born with, some things we learn, some things we know, some things we understand, some things we see, some things we feel and so on.

here is what i have discovered about rats:

Rat'sWisdom Includes:
  • Abundant reproduction
  • Ability to live unseen
  • Stealth
  • Defense
  • Intelligence
  • Symbol of fertility and wealth
Thats a damned right impressive list of rat wisdom, if i dont say so myself. God I hate those things.
But, i have to say that there are equally as impressive wisdoms in the animal kingdom.
Domestic Cat's Wisdom Includes:
  • Independence
  • Seeing the unseen
  • Protection
  • Love
  • Allows us to dream its dreams
  • Assists in meditation
  • Ability to fight when cornered
If you ask me, at the end of the day the cat has one up on the rat. Its pretty friggin obvious. The cat cant just smell a rat - it can see it, when nobody else can. I think the rat, by nature, is slightly delusional...

Dear Jesus, i wish the rat wisdom which has entered my life would stop forcing me to use cat wisdom because i hate rats and the last thing i want to be (apart from a rat) is a cat! (ok, well there could be other things i dont want to be, but im trying to make a point here).

So when we come back to this "personal awareness" topic, i might not be able to sense the physical, but i am pretty up there with the spiritual. i am dealing with rat behaviour which i hate, but despite how much i hate it, i have heart wisdom which tells me that what i see with my eyes is not a true rat - even though it has an impressive tale.

Unfortunately, whatever animal behaviour i am presented with, and whatever animal totem is lighting my path, i am a person of the heart - and the heart has xray vision. my heart wisdom has seen past the vile rat behaviour to recognise something more like a turtle, and turtles are so.....loveable!

if the rat in my garden ever ventured in to my home, i wouldnt live here any more. i cant live with rats and i cant tolerate rat behaviour. there are lots of wonderful creatures in the world, and people are good. why would i choose the company of a rat?

 "where have you come from" you ask. I answer "straight from hell, where i was a visitor, venturing into the dark to bring back the light".

i guess at the end of the day the real me is a bit like a crow.

yes, a crow. i do believe so.


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